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Satzglieder Bestimmen Klasse 7 Übungen PDF
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Lösungen PDF – Satzglieder Bestimmen Klasse 7 Klassenarbeit
Übung 1.
Unterstreiche das Hauptverb und das Hilfsverb in jedem der folgenden Sätze. Wenn es kein Hilfsverb gibt, schreibe „kein Hilfsverb“.
1. She is reading.
2. They will have arrived by six.
3. He can swim.
4. I am going to the store.
5. She has a cold.
6. It is raining.
7. He is not here.
8. Are you going to the game?
9. Has he seen that movie?
10. Could you please turn off the light?
11. I will be right back.
12. There is no milk left.
13. There are seven days in a week.
14. We have to leave early.
15. I had a lot of fun.
16. He had to study for the test.
17. Do you want to go to the movies?
18. Did they have a good time?
19. Will you be here tomorrow?
20. Would you like some help?
Übung 2.
Finde das Verb und das Subjekt in jedem der folgenden Sätze. Unterstreiche das Verb und kreuze das Subjekt an.
1. The dog is chasing the cat.
2. She is singing a song.
3. They are playing in the park.
4. I am doing my homework.
5. The boys are fighting.
6. The girls are watching TV.
7. The baby is crying.
8. We are going to the movies.
9. He is eating an apple.
10. She is drinking milk.
11. The man is walking down the street.
12. The woman is talking on the phone.
13. The boy is riding his bike.
14. The girl is skipping rope.
15. They are making a cake.