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- Lange Und Kurze Selbstlaute
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Lange Und Kurze Selbstlaute Klasse 2 Übungen PDF
- Lange Und Kurze Selbstlaute
- Sprache Deutsch
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- Klasse 2
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Übung 1.
Unterstreichen Sie die richtigen Antworten.
a) Long and Short Vowels
What is the difference between long and short vowels?
b) Vowel Pairs
What is the difference between a vowel pair and a single vowel?
c) Diphthongs
What is the difference between a diphthong and a single vowel?
d) Consonants
What is the difference between a consonant and a vowel?
Übung 2.
Wählen Sie die richtige Antwort aus.
a) Long and Short Vowels
Which of the following words has a long vowel sound?
b) Vowel Pairs
Which of the following words has a vowel pair?
c) Diphthongs
Which of the following words has a diphthong?
d) Consonants
Which of the following words has a consonant?